Rodney Howard Browne – Kenneth C. Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

The Great Awakening has greatly impacted my life… I will start by saying that I was radically saved, set free and delivered at a Great Awakening service in my hometown 2 years ago. So everything that has happened in my life since then is fruit from the Great Awakening Tour! I not only was saved at the meeting but also learned how to win souls! I never thought I would have been able to win souls but the Gospel Soul Winning Script made it so simple! I have now led hundreds to the Lord! Praise God!

We are now in the middle of one of the greatest outpourings of the Holy Spirit! The Great Awakening is amazing! I feel like this is exactly what I was made for! I have been working the call center the past couple nights and have seen the fire of God fall every night! People are being healed and saved right over the phones! God is so good! I would like to thank Mr. Bob from CTN for putting the services on Live every night across the United States!

God is moving mightily and people are being impacted by this more than we could ever imagine! The cool thing is that people from churches all over the world are learning how to win souls! It is so hard to put all this in words… What is happening right now will be put in the history books! We are living out the book of Acts on a day to day basis! Thanks  -Kenneth C.

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